OBIEE Online Training

OBIEE Online training by ex-Rittman Mead and Oracle trainer.
Contact :
Watsapp : +65-82830121
Training will be real time and more hands on.
Number of slots available : 2/5

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Updating Physical Layer Tables

Scenario: New columns are added to a table in the database. We want to add these columns to the physical layer table.

Possible ways:

1.Drop the previously imported table and re import it again. But this method won't work out when we have already defined joins and built the rpd ,because we will have to define all the joins again if we follow this method.

2.The suggested method is to use the "Update Physical Layer" Utility.Follow the steps below:

Till next time :)


  1. Tried this but it didn't work. Had to go to import metadata and then pick the new columns and import them

  2. This wizard do not add new columns to your Physical layer. It just update the existing ones.


Thank you

- Naveen